Beagle breeder Lesley Hiltz (Starbuck Torcay Beagles, Brush Prairie WA) has generously shared her photos and designs on how to make an escape-proof fenced yard.
Beagles are notorious diggers and escape artists. They require a fully fenced yard with at least a 5 foot fence and chicken wire or cement buried at the fence line.
If these designs will work for Beagles, they will certainly work for Belgians with digging talents.

Chicken wire at bottom of fence, laid upon grass which grows through the wire

Solid wood base at bottom of fence

Chicken wire at bottom of fence, covered with wood chips or river rocks

Protection at a gate

Solid Vinyl fencing

Attached with plastic clamps
To attach chicken wire to vinyl fencing, use UV Protected weather resistant plastic clamps obtained in the electrical dept.-weather.
Lay the horizontal part of the chicken wire along the ground and cover with wood chips, or let the grass grow through it.
Another dig-proof way to fill in gaps beneath a wooden or vinyl fence is to put some gravel around the edge to raise the surface slightly and then lay
12 inch patio pavers around the perimeter. This looks good and is easy to lay in any weather conditions.
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